Trude von Molo-搜索结果

  • 路德维希二世 Ludwig der Zweite

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Wilhelm Dieterle   编剧:威廉·迪亚特尔, Charlotte Hagenbruch, Lajos Biró

    主演:Wilhelm Dieterle, Rina Marsa, Theodor Loos, Trude von Molo, Gerhard Bienert, Hans Heinrich von Twardowski

      Ludwig II, the king of Bavaria, his famous castles and the mysterious circumstances of his death, have inspired a lot of filmmakers throudhout all times.
      Wilhelm Dieterles's Ludwig der Zweite describes how the king turned in becoming a madman - consequently the film was severly censored and forbidden for screenings in Bavaria.